Flower Gremlin
Flower Gremlin

Medium: Gouache and Acrylic on Bristol board. 20 x 15 Inches

Captain Nemo and Arronax.jpeg
Forbidden Forest
Forbidden Forest

A retelling of an old Indian folktale, “Vikram and Venal” where they are now childhood friends who go on adventures together. Medium: Watercolor.

Conservation - edited.jpg
8 MB.jpg
 Medium: Acrylic on bristol board. 20 x 15 Inches

Medium: Acrylic on bristol board. 20 x 15 Inches

Purple House on the Purple Hill
Purple House on the Purple Hill

Medium: Gouache, 15 x 8 inches

Sapphic Afternoon
Sapphic Afternoon

A class assignment based off of Nico Delort’s ‘Afternoon’

Illustrated Portrait_FINAL.png
Life of Pi 1.8MB.png
Bunnies Pattern.jpg
Spirited away reredone.jpg
Flower Gremlin
Captain Nemo and Arronax.jpeg
Forbidden Forest
Conservation - edited.jpg
8 MB.jpg
 Medium: Acrylic on bristol board. 20 x 15 Inches
Purple House on the Purple Hill
Sapphic Afternoon
Illustrated Portrait_FINAL.png
Life of Pi 1.8MB.png
Bunnies Pattern.jpg
Spirited away reredone.jpg
Flower Gremlin

Medium: Gouache and Acrylic on Bristol board. 20 x 15 Inches

Forbidden Forest

A retelling of an old Indian folktale, “Vikram and Venal” where they are now childhood friends who go on adventures together. Medium: Watercolor.

Medium: Acrylic on bristol board. 20 x 15 Inches

Purple House on the Purple Hill

Medium: Gouache, 15 x 8 inches

Sapphic Afternoon

A class assignment based off of Nico Delort’s ‘Afternoon’

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